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This book, carrying on the tradition of Eric Rodwell’s Bidding Topics Book 1, contains 9 new bridge topics. As in the first book, each topic starts with the most basic aspects, then moves to intermediate concepts and at the end, something for experts. This way the material should be of interest to a wide range of players.
For decades Eric Rodwell has been one of the most successful bridge players in the world. His partnership with Jeff Meckstroth has produced over one hundred national and world championships. The “Meckwell” partnership is well known for their aggressive and detailed bidding system called RM Precision, of which Eric is the principal theorist and author.
Eric was born in San Francisco and moved with his family to West Lafayette, Indiana in 1965 where his father was a professor of biochemistry at Purdue University. Eric graduated from Purdue in 1981 with a master’s degree in finance. He is currently a full-time bridge professional and lives in Clearwater, Florida with his wife Donna.
Paperback; 167 pages; 2019